I am the elusive one
I hide behind my mask
Allowing only
snippets, who am I, you ask?
I learned
long ago to reveal myself to few
Once revealed,
perhaps fear, perhaps envy,
Perhaps mockery
or even ridicule?
my kindness for weakness,
Who would
embrace such a fool?
Oh, how I've
longed for that unconditional love,
Love that
keeps on giving and forgiving.
Where could
I find it, on earth or from above?
I found it
when I began to see things through the
Father's face,
for there I found such merciful grace,
He looked
straight through, into my heart,
I knew then
I no longer needed the mask,
for All I
had to do was ask,
His truth
has set me free!
Barbara J. Ervin-Weymouth
©Copyright, June 3, 2004
All rights Reserved