3-D |
5th Wheel Travel Trailers |
8 Track Players and tapes |
A man on the moon |
Abortions for minors without parental permission/notification |
Acrylic nails |
Air conditioning |
Air pollution |
Air-conditioned cars |
Air-conditioned tractors/harvesters |
Answering machines |
Author of Roe V. Wade becomes a Christian |
Automatic Washers and Dryers |
Automatic garage door openers |
Birth control for minors without parental permission or notification |
Blogs |
Blue tooth wireless communication |
Body part replacement |
Boom boxes |
Bread machines |
Cable TV |
Cassette Tapes and Players |
Cell phones |
Chemotherapy |
Children running the homes instead of the parents |
Cinerama |
Climate control from computer to you |
Computers |
Copiers |
Cordless phones |
Desert Storm |
Double-triple pane windows |
Electric can openers |
Electric Skillets |
Electric toothbrushes |
Eyebrow waxing |
Families too busy for each other |
Family survival requires two incomes |
Fax machines |
Fizzies |
Food processors |
Free Love (was it free?) |
Friends too busy for each other |
From excellent customer service to almost non-existent customer service |
Frosty freeze |
Funk |
Garter Belts |
Gas Powered scooters |
Gasoline more than $3 per gallon |
Golf carts |
High Definiton (HD) |
HIV Aids Virus |
Hurricane Devastation 2005 |
Hybrid cars |
Imax (movie screen 5 stories high) |
Iraq War |
Israel surrendering the Gaza Strip |
Kmart |
Knee-high stockings |
Laptop computers |
Latch-key kids |
Legal abortions (Roe V. Wade) |
Mammograms |
Mary Jane Debs |
McDonalds Fast Food |
Microwave ovens |
MP3’s |
MRI’s |
Netflix (movies by mail) |
Organ transplants |
Pacemakers |
Pantyhose |
Pap smears |
Pay Per View |
Pet rocks |
Pierced ears (and other body parts) |
Plasma TV |
Platform shoes |
Printers |
Punk rock |
Radiation therapy |
Rap |
Roller blades |
Rubik cubes |
RV’S |
Satellites |
Shopping Malls |
Skateboards |
Solar powered generators |
Spa pedicures |
Stereos |
Surround sound |
Tattoos as body art |
Television (we got our first in 1951 a Zenith Console) |
Terrorist Attack on U.S. 9/11/2001 |
The “Hold” button on the phone |
Theaters with more than one screen |
Thigh-high stockings |
Transistor Radios |
Ultrasound |
Video games |
Vietnam War |
Voicemail |
Wal-Mart |
Water pollution |
WebPages |
Weiner wagon hotdog buns |
Windmill power generators |