Dear Heavenly Father
I thank you for your son Jesus
I thank you that your words were true
Just as you prophesized!!
Your son, Jesus was born into this world,
Our Lord and our King; In a lowly stable,
when He deserved the very best!
He humbly accepted His assignment
with love and obedience to you.
He came to this earth to give His life,
that we should believe And live eternally
with you in heaven.
He walked among us teaching and
performing His miracles
for us all to see.
betrayed Him for pieces of silver
and dined at His Last Supper Table;
Just as Jesus said he
Jesus was scorned, beaten, spat upon, and
made to carry his Own dreaded cross.
even ask you to forgive us for
we didnt know
what we had done.
He was given vinegar to quench his thirst,
and shed his precious
blood on Calvary.
Even though He was crucified dead and
buried; He arose on the
third day, Just
as you said He would. He
ascended into
heaven to sit at the right side of your
throne to reign through out eternity.
Because of Jesus' supreme sacrifice; we
that believe And accept
Your Son as our
Lord and Savior, Have
strength for today,
Hope for tomorrow And
our name written
in your Book of Life.
For your continuous love and mercy on
me, and on us all, I give
you thanks with
a joyous heart!
For you are the living God,
True and Faithful to the end.
are my TRUSTED friend.
I love you and worship you My Savior, My
Lord and My God.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Barbara J. Ervin-Weymouth
©Copyright, April 10, 2004
All Rights Reserved