©Keeping Christ In Christmas
When I see the "X" in front of the letters, "mas" in the word
Christmas it has always hurt my heart because we wouldn’t
have Christmas without Christ Jesus. He is the reason
celebrate the season.
Christmas isn’t all the tinsel on the tree and all the credit cards
being charged at the mall. Christmas is a time of
love and giving
as our Heavenly Father so generously sent his son Jesus Christ
to earth to give us the greatest gift of all, “SALVATION”.
All the other things we do at Christmas time besides the
acknowledgement of our savior’s birth are supposed to be
filled with love and giving; not grudgingly but from our willing,
loving hearts. The Lord loves a cheerful giver.
I don’t believe God wants us to go in debt to buy Christmas
presents for our family and friends. In fact, I think
He would
be offended. Giving of ourselves, something we have
the time to make, lending a helping hand, a warm meal to share,
visiting someone ill or in a nursing home or hospital; these are
just a few of the gifts of love we can give at Christmas time.
The three Wise Men were the first to bring gifts to the Christ
Child. Our tradition of giving to one another at Christmas
is more than 2000 years old. We must all turn our
eyes, ears,
hearts and minds back to where it all began and even if you’ve
heard this miraculous story hundreds of times you need to read
and hear it again!
This Christmas as you’re scurrying around looking for just the
right gift pause for a moment to remember why we are giving.
Put that credit card back in your wallet and think of some way
that you can give of yourself this year! And do it
with great joy
and thankfulness in your hearts not with grumbling, fighting
crowds, frayed nerves, swollen feet and “Bah, humbug”.
I don’t think that is the way our Lord would like us to celebrate
His, “Miraculous Birth”. Remember Jesus
said, “The greatest
of all the commandments is that we love one another”.
So the next time you feel the urge to write, Xmas…
please don’t!
Let’s all remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Not just on
December 25th but all year long!
©Copyright, Barbara J. Ervin-Weymouth,
3, 2005, ®All rights reserved.