Hello there!
My name is Barbara J. Ervin-Weymouth; I was born and raised and still reside in the beautiful state of California, USA. I
am a Christian and a proud mother of one terrific son, Eric who is married to my wonderful daughter-in-law Dawn, together
they have given me two beautiful gifts from God, I call my grandchildren.
I have one very spoiled Staffordshire Terrier, Rosie, who doesn't know she's a dog, shhh!
I have worked in public education for many years. I finally decided to become an Adult Education Teacher.
I have substitute taught for five years and have not found the permanent job I was hoping for. Due to this difficulty I have
decided to go back to the Office Management field. I am currently searching for that special office with just the right fit
for me.
In my spare time I enjoy writing true-life short stories and poetry and trying my hand at webpage design: Short stories and
Email: weymouth@surewest.net
I am published on the following WebSites:
StoryTime Tapestry
Starfish (ripplemaker.com)
Hearts With Soul
Women With Heart
Now pull up a chair, settle in, kick off your shoes, take a few deep breaths, now blow them out, that's right, RELAXATION,
ahhhhhh, now isn't that better! I'm so happy you stopped by.
Come with me now, I would like to take you on a tour. A tour of my, "True life short stories and divinely inspired poetry".
You can begin this inspirational tour by clicking on the navigational links located in the upper left-hand margin of my
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed your visit. Please drop by again soon! I will be adding more as God continues
to inspire me.
Until we meet again, please remember this:
"People may forget what you've said
People may forget what you've done
But they will never forget how you
made them feel"! ~Maya Angelou~
May God watch over you and keep you safe from harm.

I would love to hear your comments, suggestions. You can send me e-mail at: