©My Maternal Uncle, Clyde Sinclair Page
My Uncle Clyde was called to the other side on Thanksgiving
Day, 1934, in Del Norte, Colorado due to complications of Bright’s Disease. He passed away before I was born at the
young age of twenty-one. Through the stories Momma told me about him, I felt
like I knew him and always felt the loss of never having known him.
Momma had already married when Uncle Clyde passed away
and her and Daddy had moved to California. She said it was one full year before
she could cry. She said, “She was washing dishes one afternoon and the
tears began to flow; to begin the healing process from the loss of her younger brother at such a young age”.
Uncle Clyde had suffered several years with
Brights’s Disease more information about the
disease can be found here:
Momma said he never complained even when he
was too weak to get out of bed. He remained good
natured and cheerful till he drew his last breath.
The following is his Eulogy:
Clyde Sinclair Page, 21 year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. L.L. Page who live on a ranch northwest of
town, died on Thanksgiving day, 1934. Clyde was
born at Karval, Colorado, October 6, 1913. Eight
years ago he came to Del Norte with his parents.
He attended school
here until his health became
Clyde was a good son and highly esteemed by
all who were privileged to make his acquaintance.
His smile and cheerful disposition will long be remembered by his loved ones and friends.
All through his long and painful illness his courage
and patience never failed him. Until his strength
failed he was ever ready to render
a helping hand in
the work on the farm or around home
and his early
call leaves pleasant memories in the lives of his
friends and loved ones.
Uncle Clyde climbed the stairway to
heaven on Thanksgiving Day, 1934.
He was later joined
by his Father,
Lloyd Lewellen Page in 1961, his
mother, Beulah
Eakins-Page in 1971
and by my mother (his sister), Lucile Jane
Page-Ervin in 1987. There were eight
children in the Page family, two are
remaining today as I’m writing this story;
his sister, Marjorie Janus Page-Oberholtzer
and His brother Robert Duane Page,
are living in Rifle, Colorado.
have had Uncle Clyde on my mind lately and I
to honor him on this Thanksgiving day
many years later) by telling his story. I only
I would have had the privilege of spending
time with him and getting to know him.
guess I will have to save that till we meet in heaven.
©Copyright, Barbara J. Ervin-Weymouth,
November 24, 2005, ®All Rights Reserved